In episode 4, we hear a clip from Joris Planck's "Sermon on Natural Philosophy." In it, Joris seems to waver on his opinions of science and what it "offers."
Transcription of Joris:
"Why should I care for the sciences, which blast my otherwise illiterate hours with images and scream light upon my gloom. And what of this tedious landscape it proposes? Should we not protest? Aseptic laboratories and perfect mathematics offer a vision of purgatory or worse. I say, show me a mathematics frequently tormented by a trickster god, who adds five daffodils together to make 15, and then shall I take interest in your bleak numerology. But I daren’t frighten my daffodils by bedding them beside beakers and equations.
But do I speak too soon, for what exquisite loneliness this science has to offer, and upon such brilliantly chrom-ed plates — consider: a house on the moon! Why, I can think of no other meditation on solitude more arousing. Imagine, a perpetual horizon of black and grey. Surely such is an existence unparalleled in the history of aesthetics. A tantalizing power science offers. An envious power. Ah, I find myself once again oppressed with envy...."
But do I speak too soon, for what exquisite loneliness this science has to offer, and upon such brilliantly chrom-ed plates — consider: a house on the moon! Why, I can think of no other meditation on solitude more arousing. Imagine, a perpetual horizon of black and grey. Surely such is an existence unparalleled in the history of aesthetics. A tantalizing power science offers. An envious power. Ah, I find myself once again oppressed with envy...."